Continuous tracks have the advantage of a larger contact area, easy repairs on small damage and high maneuverability.
Other birds, for example those that catch insects on the wing also need high maneuverability.
These are designed with high maneuverability as a key feature, often at the expense of buoyancy.
The X-36 possessed high maneuverability that would be ideal for use as a fighter.
This craft is small and its shuttle mode offers high maneuverability.
Well, we've specified high maneuverability and a graphite composite skin.
The small wing provided high maneuverability with greater structural strength.
It relies on its moderate speed and high maneuverability.
The Ghadr-110 has a higher maneuverability and a shorter set up time than the Shahab-3.
The Japanese embraced this design because of its high maneuverability on narrow streets and fields.