This was particularly embarrassing because of the fact that the people and organizations with the highest loans were close to PPP.
The $1.5 million state loan given to Morse last year was the single highest loan given out under the program.
The stock market reacted to the housing figures with equanimity, although concern rose over higher loans.
Put on the appearance of being a good guy and go for the higher loan.
I'm foreclosing on loans as high as $1.6 million.
At the end, the directors board agreed and the workmen even got a higher loan than requested.
The company struggled with slim income and high loans.
But just because higher loans are available, lenders say that borrowers should apply for only as big a loan as they need.
Monthly payments are slightly lower, and borrowers would qualify for slightly higher loans because of that.
The reason is that risk-averse lenders prefer investors to first-time buyers who want high loans.