They all share some properties, including a melting point above 2000 C and high hardness at room temperature.
Their higher hardness means that they are much less susceptible to wear and can offer more than triple lifetimes.
Due to the high hardness of the coating it can be used to salvage worn parts.
The heated portion of the metal is softened by this process, leaving the edge at the higher hardness.
Their higher hardness means they are much less susceptible to wear and typically last for triple the lifetime of a steel part.
Spinel can be highly detrimental because of its big size and high hardness.
Because of its high hardness, it is generally considered brittle.
Confused with the high hardness, he decided to continue his examinations.
In addition, poor filtering and high hardness mean that the water quality is poor.
Diamonds have the highest hardness of any bulk (all one type) material.