The wind reached 25 miles an hour, with higher gusts.
Winds of 15 to 20 miles an hour, with higher gusts, are expected.
Slightly higher gusts were reported off the coast.
The highest gust reported was 76 kts/87 mph at Muruotomisaki.
The highest gust was 110 kts/ 125 mph at Iriomotejima.
Studies showed they were no more frequent than other parts of San Francisco but are subject to higher gusts.
A highest momentary gust on land was 31.5 m/s.
Transparent aerodynamic wind screens will protect vehicles from high gusts.
At the time, reports of 90-mile-an-hour winds and higher gusts were common.
It had maximum sustained winds of 160 m.p.h., with higher gusts.