Beetal is considered to be a good milker with large body size and high fecundity.
In females, genes associated with long development time lead to high fecundity and mate immediately upon eclosion.
Valvata piscinalis is known for its rapid growth and high fecundity.
It has a high fecundity (females lay up to 100 eggs per day, and perhaps 2000 in a lifetime).
Agriculture is developed in the district because of the high fecundity of the soil.
Regardless of high fecundity this species is not found in high numbers.
Its wide geographical distribution and high fecundity allow it to be used in many forensic cases around the world.
Larger females have higher fecundity, the clutch size ranging from eight to 61 eggs.
Females have the highest fecundity on the first or second day of oviposition.
Females have high fecundity and can lay up to 12 million eggs at once.