The more transparent the lighting fixture is, the higher efficacy.
The new vaccine has high efficacy against the type of meningitis that is most prevalent in Africa and costs less than $0.50 per dose.
These drugs are characterized by fast action, high efficacy and good tolerance.
The performance is regarded to be of the highest religious efficacy.
In spite of the drug's high efficacy, 20% of tumors still develop resistance to the treatment.
Another area of research is finding combination treatments which provide higher efficacy with reduced toxicity and side effects.
Overall, it has a high efficacy as an analgesic.
Clozapine is believed to have the highest efficacy and lowest risk of extrapyramidal side effect.
They display the same activities as chemerin, although at higher efficacy and potency.
Individuals with low self-efficacy tend to develop poorer task strategies than those high on self efficacy.