The assembly work in Qronha 3's high atmosphere continued at a furious pace.
The first flights carried instruments to measure the higher atmosphere.
In other words, it is trying to reach equilibrium with the higher atmosphere and outer space, which are certainly much colder than 32 degrees.
The thin, high atmosphere imposed cloud form on the rising moisture.
"But Sax, isn't the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere really high now?"
Then they'll drop into the proper configuration, dragonfly wings, for high atmosphere.
The thinning of the life-protecting ozone layer in the high atmosphere is one such threat.
There was no hole in the 1960's when the chlorine in the high atmosphere amounted to one part per billion.
Can we simulate what's going on in Titan's high atmosphere?
Hot air at the surface rises up into the high atmosphere where it is put out into space.