In 1860, Darwin went to Gray to enlist Wyman's support due to Wyman's work on higher apes and anatomy.
Monkeys are well above average, and apes (especially ourselves) even higher.
Man too, if in his ape-like phase he resembled the other higher apes, is an animal becoming more gregarious and not less.
Nevertheless, precision grips are usually only found in higher apes, and only in degrees significantly more restricted than in humans.
Most other creatures, including the higher apes, find no harm in it.
In humans and higher apes, the metabolic pathway for conversion of uric acid to allantoin is not present, so the former is excreted.
Such is, I may note here, also done by the higher apes, it seems.
Then the rocky walls of the ravine echoed to the ape's high, penetrating scream as it charged, low-hanging arms swinging wide, yellow fangs bared and dripping.
This was the first detailed and accurate study of the higher apes.
This view is supported by the studies of higher apes, particularly chimpanzees.