He one day, when we were walking together, burst forth in high admiration of Lamarck and his views on evolution.
Following the meeting, Peter Robinson said he had "nothing but the highest admiration for the way the police has dealt with the difficulties of recent days".
My Legal Aid colleagues deserve the highest admiration and praise.
Its a different time, but they're living by the tenets they set early on, and that's something I have the highest admiration for.
I think the fellow put his money where his mouth was and I have nothing but the highest admiration for him.
A century later mountains become objects of the highest aesthetic admiration.
He has, at least, a very high admiration for you.
I have the highest admiration for the endowment and the work it does.
"I want the three of you to know that you have my highest admiration for your behavior here, today."
It's not that we haven't the highest admiration for British police methods, because we have.