Authority was exerted through a hierarchical and coercive bureaucracy formed by civil employees who shared and invaded administrative, judicial, military and religious functions.
The emotions of these characters are familiar, but their origins - the pervasive hierarchical bureaucracy that defines the characters' lives - are engagingly novel to an American sensibility.
But there is another face of capitalism: the corporation, with its authoritarian, hierarchical bureaucracy and its subordination of human values to the discipline of the bottom line.
But real power remained concentrated in a secretive, arbitrary and rigidly hierarchical bureaucracy, the Communist Party, which based its claim to rule on the vague premise of historical inevitability.
It is therefore a theoretical structure flawed in some of its fundamental conceptions and all too readily adaptable to the needs of hierarchical bureaucracies.
These organizations form hierarchical bureaucracies, where power derives from the personal position and rarely from an expert power.
How is this reconciled with the hierarchical bureaucracy of a local authority?
There is no hierarchical bureaucracy.
Detroit has begun to sweep away the hierarchical bureaucracy that impedes development of new models and execution of business strategies.
Shell Group used to represent the typical bureaucracy: top-heavy and hierarchical.