The thing was hideously strong.
It was thick, bitter, and hideously strong.
The Big Ugly was hideously strong, but his soft, scaleless skin left him vulnerable; Ussmak felt his claws sink deep into Tosevite flesh.
Something dark and hideously strong, something that was empty as a flame is empty, but that nevertheless had a kind of brooding life.
The golem bulled on, shoving Stile against the wall, trying to grab him with hideously strong arms.
His hand, young and hideously strong, closed over my wrist, and squeezed.
This alien intends to trick some hideously strong adolescent psychic into doing something awful.
Catatonics are hideously strong.
The female wasn't as fast as the younger one Torres had slain, but it was hideously strong.
He was hideously strong, and Jemmy hadn't ever been this frightened.