Irate, 13 proceeds to absorb 14 and 15's main cores into his own being and undergoes a hideous transformation into Super Android 13.
Then a hideous transformation befell the entire dream.
Yō is subjected to an experiment by Saya and becomes genetically altered into the same type of creature as Saya after over 20 hours of hideous transformation.
His hideous transformation in the end has been slightly modified as the scars on his face now partially fade in rather than progressing over a series of separate camera shots.
HWI NOREE: I ask myself what would motivate the Lord Leto to accept this hideous transformation, this worm-body, this loss of his humanity?
The women, terrified by the hideous transformation, started weeping again.
In 'The Taybor', a kidnapped Maya is able to win her freedom from her captor by threatening to lock herself into a hideous transformation "forever" (one must assume she was understandably fibbing in this case).
She was determined never again to be a party to the hideous transformation which overcomes the partners of a bad marriage, who grow fangs and horns and sprout black monstrous wolfish hair, who claw and cling and bite and suck.
The Trevinici began to undergo a hideous transformation.
I would prefer to see Millie married to you, than locked in some hideous transformation.