Before the detour, teams had to search the entire church for a secret passageway used to hide slaves in the past.
They also used to hide slaves in the Judson House in Stratford.
Having a tunnel once used for hiding slaves would give his new house a bit of ancient lore.
The circumstances in which the tunnel was constructed are unknown, though it may have been used to hide slaves.
A number of homes in Fair Haven were used to hide slaves in the Underground Railroad.
At the time, he did not know that the home's original owner hid fugitive slaves in the carriage house, he said.
Both the founder of the city and other city notables helped hide slaves in their homes.
During the 1830s, the Haviland family began hiding runaway slaves on their farm.
He hid slaves in an underground cellar.
There are a few houses along Oxford Road that were used to hide slaves on the Underground Railroad.