The Kanguru Wizard, about the size of your thumb, enables users to hide files and programs on a computer's hard disk by creating secret drives.
These companies already hide small files in several places on the perpetrator's computer but hackers can usually easily get rid of these.
Hiding files and directories from is the most common technique.
Now, one of the other things that we've talked about earlier in our podcast series, like way in the beginning, was the idea of hiding files.
In order to hide files, the rootkit would do something similar.
Mocmex downloads files from remote locations and hides randomly named files on infected computers.
The individual data files hidden files in have a "" extension.
There are ornate moldings in the office, where bookcases with fluted columns hide files and his and hers desks facing each other.
At least eight Medicare contractors have paid more than $275 million to the government to settle charges that they made improper payments, altered documents, hid files and backdated records.
It's so badly done that it gives a backdoor to any hacker who wants to hide files on your system.