Otherwise UK independence/democracy and constitution will continue to be eroded by those in power whom could have hidden agendas!!!!
It has also cautioned mosques to be on the alert against infiltration of the congregation by "foreign Muslim groups who may have hidden agendas."
Hide their real motivations and agendas.
Data never had hidden agendas or ulterior motives--his only concern was the welfare of his ship and his shipmates.
When he arrives, Milner finds that several guests at the luxurious Baja California resort have hidden agendas.
In fact, as we have argued, governments may have hidden agendas and their priorities may fluctuate according to political cycles.
Both having hidden agendas, they both tried to be as nice as possible to each other during their courtship and all was smooth.
There were always hidden agendas.
Commercial television activism means hiding subversive agendas in palatable candy shells.
We don't have hidden agendas.