Ah, for womb-warm Victorian upholstery, the solace of hidden nooks and crannies!
Filled with huge stone fireplaces, timber beams and many a hidden nook and cranny - not to mention the occasional ghost - the building is certainly historical.
It seemed as if she had vanished among the many hidden nooks within Ellesméra.
Holton's toponym is derived from the Old English for "hidden nook".
It's the best way I know to discover hidden nooks and crannies.
"Wait a mo-" he said, as Deek made to move off, and retrieved his boots from the hidden nook.
And there, in the hidden nook behind the boiler house, was the spot where Loretta was found trading her sexual favours.
Sometimes we found the ashes of little campfires back in the hidden nooks and crannies of the buildings.
There are few hidden nooks and rocking chairs for afternoon reading.
I laughed because I saw that, in some hidden nook in a corner of my mind, I'd even been looking forward to this.