The hidden form began to twitch, as though with uncontainable excitement, with nervous energy.
Or was Arkos indeed involved in some hidden form of peacebreaking?
The cause is not present in any hidden form whatsoever in its effect.
However, critics often point out that the reforms of 1990 only showed the unemployment that had existed in a hidden form during Communist times.
This truly was Clara's legacy to him, instants of horror as he made out the hidden forms in the mess she left behind.
The hidden forms provide deep folds with about half the fabric of traditional drapes and minimal sewing.
He moved by the hidden form without seeing it.
Discrimination against untouchables is, according to them, a hidden form of apartheid.
This is the reason why men and women are being exposed to hidden forms of discrimination.
How else could we Dreens harbor such wildly unpredictable idmagers in hidden form?