In due course, it would be smuggled out to their attorney and he would deposit it in their hidden account.
She followed its transfer marker to a hidden account.
Result--the funds would be transferred to a second, hidden account, perhaps in another bank, and there would be no way in the world you could trace it.
Why should the disabled have to suffer, when the rich are allowed to stuff untold sums of money they have no intention of paying tax on into hidden accounts?
It was at that point, the prosecution said, that Mrs. Sabbeth took $395,000 from her hidden account and used it to help buy back the remaining debt.
Once we knew who we were looking for, we found a couple of hidden accounts that Hughes had set up, small stuff, less than twenty or thirty thousand in each.
Now he could picture Fowler spiriting himself away, abandoning his men and settling for a hidden account somewhere.
No hidden account.
Sarah also spends time with Tommy trying to unlock the hidden accounts left by their father at the family business.
So I figure you've got a well- hidden account somewhere - front company, difficult to trace back to your good self - from which you were going to pay them.