She took a last pull on her cigarette and sent it into a hedge of red hibiscus flowers.
Some refer to it as roselle, a common name for the hibiscus flower.
The red hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Tahitian women.
His worries are on the order of figuring the best way to build a pool or keep the hibiscus flowers from turning brown.
A meal for two with bissap, a juice made from hibiscus flowers, is around $14.
Fish a little hibiscus flower from its jar of syrup (see?
The red hibiscus flower is also prized as an offering.
Note:Dried hibiscus flowers are available at some specialty foods stores.
The hibiscus flower is well-known even to people who aren't expert gardeners.
And if that doesn't appeal to you, I suggest a margarita made with hibiscus flowers.