Then to his right, at the edge of the property, he saw the hibiscus bushes swaying.
A so-called Jesus Christ lizard, which can run on water, was back at home under a hibiscus bush.
She lived a few blocks up from Sally in a yellow building with hibiscus bushes out front.
Without another thought, he barged through the impatiens and the hibiscus bushes.
Sitting at a table just by a big hibiscus bush.
Bill was sitting on the top step, next to an overgrown hibiscus bush.
And slack-key guitar music coming out of the hibiscus bushes.
Her dog had tangled his leash in a hibiscus bush, and she went to rescue him.
Children sat on the library's steps, its porch decorated with hibiscus bushes.
The man was crouched behind a dense hibiscus bush at the back of the house, near the deck staircase.