He looked over to the hexagonal building outside town that housed the fusion plant.
The first, a hexagonal wooden building erected in 1714, was destroyed by the British during the revolution.
Both opened in the late 1970s and the school is notable for its hexagonal buildings.
In 1804 the north-east tower of the castle was turned into a hexagonal building for the local militia unit.
A round tower of three storeys, from the 15th century, with cannon openings on the first level, and covered with a hexagonal building.
Without so much as a wave the truck jerked to life and headed towards the vast hexagonal building ahead.
These were small square or hexagonal buildings, made of stone up to nine feet with corrugated iron above it.
The original was a nine-storey hexagonal building, typical of the Northern Song style.
The Canal used to serve the oldest gas works in the world and several unusual hexagonal buildings remain opposite Sainsburys.
Richard followed them into a hexagonal building with bright red markings on the front.