To see if other men were affected in the same way, they recruited 40 male heterosexual students.
There's no way an isolated, segregated environment will teach homosexual and heterosexual students to coexist and respect each other.
These students are more likely than heterosexual students to report missing school due to fear, being threatened by other students, and having their property damaged at school.
Mr. Diaz, a Democrat, said he believed that the school discriminated against heterosexual students, particularly black and Hispanic youngsters who attend low-performing public schools.
"For heterosexual students, that model is going to give the lie to the demeaning stereotypes they're likely to come here with."
Linda Prendergast, district health coordinator for Scarsdale Schools, said that the alliances serve both heterosexual and homosexual students.
Some heterosexual students say it lets them live with their closest friends, regardless of gender.
In addition, "LGBQ students were more likely than heterosexual students to have seriously considered leaving their institution as a result of harassment and discrimination."