Voters crammed polling stations today after a hesitant start to Swaziland's first free elections in 20 years.
Paulus, ranked 18th in the world, needed little more than an hour to sweep into the final, surprising even herself after a hesitant start to the tournament.
Despite being one game behind, Speelman seems to have recovered from his hesitant start to the match.
"This domestic stability provided the framework for the start of economic reform, however hesitant and cautious..."
Topalov won the tournament for the second time after a decisive comeback from a somewhat hesitant start.
Lear was back where she belonged and she was eventually welcomed after a hesitant start.
But behind the jollity, there was unease over what some described as a hesitant start to Brazil's new Government.
After a very hesitant start, Mike began speaking in Spanish only to have Penn dump his call after a few words.
He shook off a hesitant start and three early sacks to finish 24 of 34 for 322 yards and two touchdown tosses.
There, after an initially hesitant start, he formed a strong working relationship with President Roosevelt and remained until May 1946.