Opium farmers' income is tiny compared with Pakistan's drug barons and owners of heroin laboratories, and they are regarded by many as the impoverished, innocent end of the country's narcotics business.
The police commissioner recalled his days as a federal drug agent two decades ago, when he tested a device that was supposed to detect heroin laboratories by picking up the scent of the chemicals they used, like acetone.
It is a two-way trade: heroin comes into India, and acetic anhydride, a chemical used in heroin laboratories, is smuggled back to Myanmar.
Ahsan claims that since coming to power the PPP has knocked out 12 of the 24 known heroin laboratories in Pakistan.
It said Laotian leaders were directly involved in the processing of opium and marijuana, including at least four Government-sanctioned heroin laboratories.
The estate was also used as a refuge for mafiosi on the run, and to set up a heroin laboratory.
As Wesley, Arbib and Stone destroy heroin laboratories with C4, Klein blows the opium container silos with grenades and C4.
Chinese officials report that in the last several years no heroin laboratories have been seized in China.
Monday, April 5 - In Badakhshan Province, anti-narcotics police destroyed four heroin laboratories and seized 10 tons of opium poppy.
According to the DEA, Mexico remains the only heroin source route to heroin laboratories in Afghanistan.