The Federation saw them as criminals, they saw themselves in a more heroic light, rebels who had beaten the system.
The veterans clearly chose to remember the war in a heroic light.
Also included are episodes which show Rodrigo in a less than heroic light.
In his recounting, Bullock's voice-over tells a variant on what is visually shown, in which he is painted in a much more heroic light.
The Philippines military are also portrayed in a positive and heroic light while the villains are the terrorists or "bandits."
He became embroiled in a messy divorce in South Africa that cast him in a far less heroic light.
The Maze prisoners are presented in the film in a heroic light, as rebels fighting on the side of justice.
For at least 20 years following the end of the Second World War, films about the conflict generally portrayed the British and the Americans in a heroic light.
For the moment, Hezbollah is bathed in a heroic light, not just in Lebanon but throughout the Muslim world.
As expected, however, each narrative portrays its side in a heroic light.