A noir hero knows that saving the world is beyond his talents, and so he doesn't bother.
Just because Peter isn't brutal doesn't automatically make him a hero,- you know.
What if your hero, whom you'll have to call something other than Cal, doesn't know whether someone is an intruder or not.
When the hero knows everything, he will know how to proceed.
But our hero knew a thing or two about racing, though he had not long been a motor-boat owner.
However, even though the player is supposed to assume the role of the hero, the hero does not know his experience points.
In stories, there were only so many surprises before the hero knew everything he needed; he himself never seemed to know a quarter of everything.
Our hero doesn't really know Jeremy, but he's pretty sure he doesn't like him.
For the first time in his life, he begins to question if the heroes know what they are doing, despite being reassured by Peggy.
The hero of the wonderful novel that had so influenced his life had himself known this curious fancy.