In the process, these young heroes discover that going to war is a lot like visiting an amusement park, except the noises are louder.
They then attack the Creator, and after defeating him the heroes discover a door leading to an unknown location.
After all, remember what always happens in the movies once the hero discovers the tracking device.
According to the series plot, the other heroes would eventually discover that Solar had his own malevolent agenda in mind.
As the story progresses, the hero discovers the world of Résurrection, its peoples and politics.
As our two heroes discover more about themselves and each other with every encounter, they gradually move closer to their ultimate goal.
The hero will discover the magic of four elements, master the power and fulfill his destiny.
The heroes then discover a door leading to an unknown location; they consider entering, but decide to return to their own world.
Sometimes the hero discovers his visit has lasted for years or even centuries though he thought no time had passed.
Wolfe and his heroes often discovered that it might prove impossible to return to this "home" as well.