These contain up to 100 white hermaphrodite flowers 10 to 12 mm wide.
The hermaphrodite flowers are scented and pollinated by bees.
Only the female plant occurs naturally in Britain, though plants with hermaphrodite flowers are also found occasionally.
The inflorescence is a cluster with five to eight hermaphrodite flowers.
Their hermaphrodite flowers have first a male stage.
The hermaphrodite flower is trumpet-shaped with a short broad tube, white outside and yellowish inside.
It is usually dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants, but sometimes hermaphrodite flowers are found.
The receptacle is naked with 2-5 yellowish hermaphrodite flowers per head.
The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size (less than 3 mm), with 5-6 corolla lobes per flower.
It has small hermaphrodite flowers of 3-4 mm long.