Gilbert is remembered for his description of a fairly common hereditary cause of increased bilirubin.
There are other more rare hereditary causes of elevated bilirubin levels.
SMA seems to appear de novo (i.e., without any hereditary causes) in around 2-4% of cases.
As far as medical intervention is concerned, 42 per cent of Conrad's national study had unknown causes, and a further 27 per cent had hereditary causes.
Still others think there is a hereditary cause or say there is no explanation at all.
He and other family members are now part of a clinical trial looking for hereditary causes of prostate cancer in black men.
Through her research she has been contributing to the understanding of hereditary causes of diseases as well as the influence of gene-environment interactions on the risk of developing disease.
Genetic and hereditary causes are being considered and several epidemiologic findings indicate considerable genetic influence especially for early onset cases.
However, although once touted as the explanation for the elusive hereditary causes of complex diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, the most common CNVs have little or no role in causing disease.
They are the most common hereditary causes for thrombophilia (a tendency to form blood clots).