By Starfleet Order Two-eight-four fifty-five, you are hereby directed to report to commanding officer of U.S.S. Enterprise for assignment as his relief.
You are hereby directed to make necessary repairs with all possible speed in preparation for immediate renewed offensive in coordination with planned deployment of Lenin Fleet, code-named ANVIL.
CBG-14 is hereby directed,"' he read, "'to assume a defensive stance commensurate with full combat readiness in order to safeguard the vessels of CBG-14 from possible attack by hostile forces.
All department heads are hereby directed to listen, to note, and to act.
Madam: You are hereby directed and required to proceed aboard Her Majesty's Starship Fearless, CL-Five-Six, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of commanding officer in the service of the Crown.
"1st Lieutenant Clark Gable is hereby directed to proceed to England ... for making a combat film dealing particularly with the combat phases of aerial gunnery ... ".
From now, it has been agreed and is hereby directed: That the ultimate responsibility lies in the hands of the Council.
You are hereby directed to forward by the quickest means available a second report giving these details, regardless of the risk of such report falling into unauthorized or enemy hands.
On October 5 it resolved "that the Commander-in-Chief be and is hereby directed to appoint an officer to command the southern army, in the room of Major General Gates."
"You are hereby directed to make all future payments of rent payable to the order of '135 East 57th Street Rent Account.' "