Captain Blaine, as Fleet Admiral of this Sector I hereby confirm your promotion to captain and assign you to command of His Majesty's battle cruiser MacArthur.
Signed May 3, 1879, by the superintendent registrar, who "hereby confirms that this is the X mark of John Nixon.
That investigation took a bit of doing, but I hereby confirm your identity and you'll be pleased to know this starbase has been secured.
By the authority vested in me by the High Alector of Justice, under the Code of the Duarches, and the regulations governing all Cadmians, I hereby confirm that the accused has had the right to state his case, and that all parties to the offense have been heard.
It should have read: 'I hereby confirm that prior to the execution of this document I fully explained the contents and effect thereof to [blank space]who seemed to me, and informed me that she perfectly understood the same.'
I hereby confirm all bequests made in that previous testament, except as may be directly and explicitly contradicted in this codicil.
I hereby confirm that your request for 5 days paternity leave has been granted.
Mr Poettering and Mr Barón Crespo, I hereby confirm the commitment I made to you yesterday on behalf of the Commission on the status of European political parties. The Commission will shoulder its responsibilities.
President Iloilo issued a statement the following day saying, "I hereby confirm I have abrogated the 1997 constitution and appointed myself as head of state in the new order."
"I hereby confirm the police chief to a six-month term," the colonel said announced into the microphone, and there was no dissent.