Nomadic shepherds of the Hungarian plains valued their herding dogs, paying as much as a year's salary for a Puli.
It's a low-slung herding dog bred to nip at the heels of cattle, while its shortness enables it to avoid any kicking hooves.
The Pyrenean Shepherd is the smallest of the French herding dogs.
It is possible that South Russian Ovcharkas originated from European herding dogs of the same hair type known as Austrian Shepherd.
Several herding dogs with long, woolly hair were imported to Russia from Europe.
The shaggy herding dogs, which can be black, brown, blue or fawn, have distinct white markings and white-tipped tails.
These dogs were bred with the local Scottish dogs to produce the Scottish herding dogs, most obviously the Bearded Collie.
You Cadmians are their herding dogs, to keep order among the steers.
Unlike the often smaller herding dogs that control the movement of the livestock, LGDs blend in with them, watching for intruders within the flock.
These terrier-type dogs mixed with the Puli-type dogs that were in Hungary, and the result was a terrier-type herding dog.