Their diet is similarly variable, with herbivorous, omnivorous, and insectivorous species all being known.
Most are omnivorous but a few purely insectivorous and herbivorous species are known.
Too much protein is detrimental in herbivorous species, and has been associated with shell deformities and other medical problems.
It is an arboreal herbivorous species that belongs to the genus Iguana.
The newly formed ecosystems tended to be dominated by a single herbivorous species each.
Their diet is also variable, with herbivorous, omnivorous, and insectivorous species known.
They are usually a peaceful species, often herbivorous.
They are particularly useful with boisterous fish (when they can be siliconed into place), or herbivorous species.
As previously mentioned, they are an herbivorous species.
It is also a primarily herbivorous species and requires a great deal of vegetable matter in its diet.