There were also four levels of streets with heraldic motifs for every house, as inspired by Siena.
All parts of the ceiling and walls are ornamented in with interlaced figural, animal, and heraldic motifs.
Other works attributed to Gieng include monumental crucifixes, stonework in the church of Tafers, statues, tombstones and heraldic motifs.
Blades may be made of Damascus steel or etched with Celtic designs or heraldic motifs.
It was then he designed and partially made a polychrome for the Franciscan Church that was composed of flowery, geometrical and heraldic motifs.
On the other hand, on the paved tombs one can still distinguish some text and parts of the heraldic motifs, despite their advanced state of deterioration.
"When nomads migrated they threw a kilim over the camel as a heraldic motif to identify them," Mr. Davies said.
In that case the griffins would have been purely a symbol of divinity rather than a heraldic motif.
By the 1980s, Kulmer had introduced mythological and heraldic motifs to his images, extremely simplified and stylized.
She scratched away the moldy matter hiding the breast- plate's heraldic motif, gasping and whimpering until the design was fully visible.