Britain, France and Germany also have commercial hemp industries.
The industrial hemp industry in America was then crippled for many years.
Once again, the burgeoning hemp industry was halted, this time by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.
Thus plans are afoot for a great expansion of a hemp industry as a part of the war program.
The next step was to keep the maneuverings hidden from the doctors, scientists, and hemp industries who would have defended hemp.
Prior to the Civil War, the hemp industry was second only to cotton in the South.
What happened to his family is fairly typical of how the collapse of the hemp industry strained the fabric of life in Yucatan.
Kentucky's hemp industry declined as manila became the world's primary source of rope fiber.
This led to a hemp industry in the town at the time, making the town quite prosperous.
The War on Drugs has resulted in the outlawing the entire hemp industry in the United States.