It was heavy, more than four inches thick, eighteen inches on one side and a foot on the other, tied with a hemp cord.
He stopped just behind Sam and, seeing the hemp cord, pulled the small knife from his pocket.
Cannabis has been cultivated in China since Neolithic times, for instance, hemp cords were used to create the characteristic line designs on Yangshao culture pottery).
The whole comfy setup was concealed behind a makeshift screen of camouflage netting that Hawkins had tied together from spare hemp cord and local foliage.
His twin brother, Dan, also a student, was wearing a hemp cord strung with a little seashell someone gave him at his high school graduation.
A double-walled can contained mineral oil in an inner chamber and a roll of hemp cord and piano wire in an outer chamber.
There were bits of things everywhere-paper and wire, hemp cord, glass beads, stubby pencils-all remnants of projects she'd started and never quite finished.
The demonstration used damp hemp cords suspended by silk threads (the low resistance of metallic conductors not being appreciated at the time).
The courtier struggled as the ropes entwined themselves tightly around his flabby body, holding him as effectively as hemp cords.
A hemp cord was bound tightly around its long muzzle, muffling its shrill cries.