For the most part, though, the reader is helplessly and gratefully caught in the current.
The mighty Destroyer, though it had escaped certain destruction, was caught helplessly in the shock wave.
Luckily, it was only my left arm that was helplessly caught in the grip of the mandible, and right arm and both legs were free.
My own Keeper had once explained it to me with the example of the creature who, helplessly caught in a trap, gnaws off the trapped foot, choosing maiming to death.
Helplessly caught in a web of indecision I stood there as only seconds must have passed, until I heard a faint noise behind me.
He was nearly laying beside her now, staring down at her, helplessly caught in the glittering sensuality she exuded.
We'll be caught helplessly if we don't retreat.
Dizzy, breathless, helplessly caught in the Crosshatch of arousal and fear, she clung to him.
Sue decided to make a futile attempt to reach the surface, but with her arms tied behind her back, the blonde girl could barely swim at all and got helplessly caught in deadly kemp at the bottom of the sea.
Thus, dedicated cannon decks can be caught helplessly in a boarding.