Pénélope Puymirat, helpfully described in the notes for the film as a former student of philosophy and psychology, plays O. This essentially means she strikes pretty poses while lying naked on red satin, perhaps while pondering deep thoughts about Marx and Freud.
A striking blonde, she was wearing high heels, velvet trousers, and a black cardigan that my escort helpfully described as a "peekaboo top."
Some are helpfully described in the window, such as powdered deer's horn, monkey's visceral organ.
And festive decorations were provided in the form of medieval cartoon costumes and scenery helpfully described in the show as "very expensive."
Nothertheless there are some general patterns that may be helpfully described even though any individual sufferer may rightly say that the entire pattern does not imply to him or her.
Nectar is low key and relaxed, pairing its selection of red, white and dessert wines with panini and artisanal cheeses from around the world (helpfully described on the menu).
The new version harks back to 1931, when the towering cliffside, seaside premises, helpfully described in the film's publicity as having been designed "in the monolithic style of Albert Speer, the infamous architect of the Third Reich," were home to the Vanacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane.
Lots of interesting plants and geology too, helpfully described by the National Trust which owns most of the land.