There is a multitude of helpful diagrams, a useful glossary and critical discussion of recent results.
The manual includes some incredibly helpful diagrams, although it does occasionally lapse into the incomprehensible jargon and figures which are common to most printer documentation.
Paul Spade's webpage has a series of helpful diagrams here.
With clear prose and helpful diagrams, they march the reader along a series of arguments so that nonspecialists can get a sense of where the core concepts come from.
- eliciting a forty-five-minute videotaped confession from a computer criminal who not only completely incriminated himself but drew helpful diagrams.
There are helpful diagrams for some plays - but no final box score, a bizarre omission.
Learn how to build a picnic table and benches, an umbrella table, and more using simple step-by-step instructions and helpful diagrams.
Another explanation of vortex shedding (includes a helpful diagram)
"Wow, she even drew helpful diagrams," Xander agreed as he studied the piece of pink paper Oz offered.
Glossary of Font Terms Over 50 entries with helpful diagram.