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Along with diet, exercise and medication, supplements could be a helpful addition to your diabetes management plan.
This is a helpful addition to our knowledge about global warming.
It was a move made to be a helpful addition to the club.
Some parents find the use of reward charts a helpful addition in the early stages of behaviour change.
A few new series seem to be establishing themselves as helpful additions, if not yet outright hits.
And with the action switch now very much set to 'on', Elizabeth becomes a helpful addition to the fight.
Toolbars are a helpful addition; each one provides access to the tools you need to do a specific job.
A minor but helpful addition to the cuisine was a popcorn wagon.
Support groups are not a substitute for effective treatment, but can be a helpful addition to it.
But he grew in confidence as the evening progressed, and he should make a helpful addition to Met casting in other parts.