The same section of the bill could help people with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and other chronic or degenerative conditions.
Doctors also may prescribe it to help prevent complications in people with Paget's disease who do not yet have symptoms.
Low dose naltrexon, in a pilot study done showed that using the drug helped patients with active Crohn's disease.
Despite its name, the charity does not exclusively help people with Alzheimer's disease.
Sept. 11, 2007 - Eating a traditional Mediterranean diet may help people with Alzheimer's disease live longer, a new study shows.
Surgery to remove part of the intestine can help people with Crohn's disease, but it is not a cure.
They have proven very effective at relieving symptoms and helping people with Crohn's disease achieve long-term remission.
A calm, structured environment also may help the person with Alzheimer's disease to continue functioning as independently as possible.
There is some promising evidence that it might help with congestive heart failure, Parkinson's disease, and muscular dystrophy.
What kind of exercises can help with Ménière's disease?