Aides to the Governor said the fliers had nothing to do with politics, but were simply informational letters intended to help nervous tenants.
That helps low-income tenants in areas with a housing surplus.
It also helps tenants who have more time than money.
He helps tenants who can't cook with advice about oven temperatures.
In response to this powerful movement, the city passed rent control protections, helping tenants for the next 20 years.
The firm specialized in helping tenants to enforce their legal right to buy the apartments they lived in.
The latter also help tenants through the rebuilding, during which some may be relocated, and provides support services like helping residents to find self-help opportunities.
You need a man's strength to help tenants with heavy bags and ward off intruders, the men say.
Pub companies recognise that more needs to be done to help tenants and that change is needed.
Tackling arrears is also about helping tenants keep their homes wherever possible.