In return, Roosevelt helped sink his 1940 campaign for the Senate.
Another factor that helped sink the project was the rising costs.
Mr. Islam's uncommon behavior helped sink his artistic reputation.
But I loved the punch line: the book was apparently badly received, sold fewer than 100 copies and helped sink its publisher.
But her abrasive style also helped sink the company.
In the music business, there are a few things that can help sink any band, no matter how talented.
Simon's memo led to the release four months later of a government document that helped sink the Torricelli campaign.
In fact, the commotion over those widely reported remarks helped sink the University of Maryland conference that year.
Her heirs in the Objectivist school of thought helped sink some others.
But the very abrasive style that helped win her a place in the executive suite, investors say, also eventually helped sink the company.