Lower interest rates are good for stocks because they spur economic activity, which helps corporate profits.
On the other hand, a weak economy usually means lower interest rates, which help corporate profits and attract investors into the stock market.
By limiting learning artificially all you're doing is stifling innovation, not helping profits.
Chrysler's continuing stock repurchases also helped profits per share.
There have not been any such losses in the last couple of years - something that has helped profits.
As the economy resumes its brisk growth, the first stock market reaction is likely to be positive because strong business helps corporate profits.
The company said favorable exchange rates, improved operating margins and a sharp drop in debt helped profits last year.
Mr. Derr said that continued cost-cutting had also helped profits.
Second, it will help profits by reducing depreciation charges.
The revival in spending will help profits at technology companies, which remain a very important part of the market, he said.