Johnson also had a program called the Great Society that helped poor and minorities.
The company's history illustrates one of a number of ways in which white men have benefited from a program intended to help women and minorities.
She did belong to a group in the University dedicated to helping ethnic minorities.
Even so, the false face accepted in current politics is that to help poor minorities is to pour more money down a rathole.
"But we are now looking for other creative ways to help minorities -economic development and the like."
The President seeks $80 million next year for public health programs to help low-income blacks and other racial minorities.
It's hard to say whether a runoff helps or hurts so-called minorities.
Moreover, our history has demonstrated that the majority benefits when equality helps minorities become a part of the majority.
In the beginning of the film, Jim Jones is seen helping minorities and working against racism.
His efforts to help minorities alienated the middle class.