Mr. Fleming said he thought the new consciousness about health would help growers.
A United States Agency for International Development program is helping growers to improve agricultural and marketing practices.
To help growers, the New Haven-based Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has been raising 13 different radicchio varieties to determine the best performers in this area.
The program not only helps growers of cane and sugar beets but also indirectly allows their primary competitors, corn syrup manufacturers, to charge more and still be competitive.
The Senate panel, for example, adopted amendments that would help tree growers, the ethanol industry, growers of cotton seed and sunflower seed.
But continuing research at Rutgers's Cook College is helping growers to select the hardiest vinifera vines.
It is understood that organisation now offers the public Scoville heat unit tests (SHU) to help keen growers and businesses to develop their products.
A range of services are available to help growers, traders and the general public meet their obligations under the plant health rules.
Cutting apples is simply one way to help growers, to make a healthy food more versatile, more likely to be eaten.
Once again, helping small and medium-sized growers is therefore very important because this has a major social impact on European sugar beet growers.