He worked as a picker on the weekends and during school vacations to help earn money for his family.
The school had its first 20-victory season in 32 years and helped earn Carlesimo a five-year contract worth over $1 million.
Johnson helped earn his victory by going for a first down on fourth-and-4 on the Oklahoma 29 in the third period.
He scored 12 of his team's first 15 points to help earn the Nets a 79-73 lead with three minutes left.
Once upon a time he only used his power to get laid, or maybe to help earn a promotion or two at work.
He played 9 games in his first season for the club and helped earn the team promotion into the first division.
She also wrote short stories and articles for various American magazines to help earn money.
The position helped earn him the right denied to most citizens to travel in the West.
He helped earn his way through college by selling Christian books as a colporteur.
There, Frances began writing to help earn money for the family, publishing stories in magazines from the age of 19.