The chance of surviving witnesses might help discourage assault by enemies disguised as bandits.
The rocks were piled there to push down on the road some time when they might help discourage a prospective buyer.
Letting the soil dry out between waterings will help discourage them.
As part of the same bill, the legislators approved the residency provision to help discourage out-of-state welfare recipients from moving here.
And they had the army garri- son to help discourage disorder.
The case resulted in a significant shift of power to state courts and helped discourage "forum shopping" by litigants.
Taupe carpeting now covers the floor to help discourage echoes.
It appears that the uniforms alone help discourage crime.
These little submarine busters should help discourage any hostile sea life from trying to eat you again.
Boughs positioned as vertical spikes around street trees help discourage visiting dogs.