Howard joined after the terrorist attacks of 2001 to do his part in helping to prepare and assist our military.
Washington must also help protect and assist those already displaced until they can return to their original homes.
Multiple clubs are offered to students at the academy to help assist them in networking with others.
"Most of us would look at those circumstances and feel sympathy and a desire to help assist the real victims in any way we could."
He tries to use his career to help assist those people coming from similar backgrounds.
My hope is that this strategy at European level can help assist and support those most at risk from violence.
"Any kind of devices or services are supposed to be offered to them to help assist them in the classroom."
Being present may help to confirm the reality of the death and assist you in your grieving.
They help him to get up and assist him to his home.
"It is intended to help assist directors and officers in avoiding any possible violation of the law."