Doing more to enforce the hunting bans is one way to help arrest their decline.
A calm and fair election with a respectable turnout would help arrest that decline.
Police dogs and a helicopter have been used to help arrest a new age traveller.
Sam Ricketts may be brought by Coyle to help arrest this problem.
The question facing local officials is how much casino gambling could help arrest the fall from the recession and the end of the Cold War.
In 1971 when a police officer was slain here, the talk-show host began a reward fund to help arrest the killer.
I'm also part of the team that helped arrest you.
The dogs had been used to help arrest the plaintiffs, who the police said were acting suspiciously in a high-crime area.
Renewed interest in technology stocks and buying related to a number of new corporate takeover deals helped arrest the market's decline.
The Fed used this tool during the worst of the financial crisis, and it helped arrest the economy's precipitous decline.